TrustFi Optional Refund Protocol (TOR) — TrustFi Launchpad’s New General Insurance Protocol

Robert Crypp
Published in
2 min readOct 9, 2023


We are proud to announce that TrustFi Launchpad will enact a new, unconditional refund system “TrustFi Optional Refund Protocol (TOR)”.

We’ve come up with the below adjustments based on community feedback and renewed market requirements. We’d like to highlight that as always, TrustFi strives to create the optimal grounds for all parties. With great versatility and all the resources we need at our disposal; we will continue to adapt with the aim of minimizing uncertainties, optimizing exposure and diversification in many dimensions.

Our upcoming IDO Evelon (on October 10, Tomorrow!) will be TOR-protected for 2 days!

👉Read About Our Improved Insurance Protocol (TIS): TOR

What is TrustFi Optional Refund Protocol (TOR)?

TrustFi Optional Refund Protocol is a 2-day unconditional refund system for all IDO investors, essentially offering more protection to IDO users with the aim of restoring confidence in investor base even in dare market conditions.

With this new protocol, IDO investors will be able to request refund within the 2 days period (48 hours) after first listing on any exchange. Since TrustFi Launchpad uses 2 methods for distribution, namely the Airdrop method and the Claimer method, the exact application of TOR differs for each case as follows:

  • When Airdrop method is used, IDO investors can demand TOR-Refund only if they have not sold/transferred any of the said tokens.
  • When Claimer method is used, IDO investors can demand TOR-Refund only if they have not claimed (in cases where TrustFi uses its claimer contract for token distribution on the Launchpad page) their tokens.

The General Refund Protocol

The following conditions for Full Refund event apply to all TrustFi IDOs. General Refund Protocol triggers when there is a clear, unfair disadvantage for TrustFi Launchpad users spanning a variety of potential reasons. Here is the updated protocol:

  • Failure to ensure that all IDO-round participants receive their tokens timely, without unfair advantage, during distribution will trigger refund
  • Failure in adding and locking the pre-agreed amount of liquidity upon 1 hour of listing, unless a delay is announced, will trigger refund
  • Failure to adhere to the pre-agreed vesting schedule and initial market capitalization during TGE will trigger refund
  • Lack of communication and information in the period until the listing, or the presence of significantly unprofessional actions and behavior by project teams towards TrustFi team, investors or any other Ecosystem stakeholders will trigger refund process

